Lesson Name: Understanding of charcoal for the beginners 

Your Name: Christopher Jackson

Grade Level/Course Title: 9th Grade. Drawing 1 

Big Idea/Enduring Idea/Theme: Identity, personal, self 

Essential Question(s): How can we recreate a reflection of ourselves in our own style or vision?   

Objective(s): successfully create a self portrait using charcoal.

State Standards: Connecting, Presenting, Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Materials: Vine Charcoal, Charcoal pencil.

Teacher Resources (books, websites, links to powerpoints, props, etc.): 




Vocabulary: charcoal, value, shadow, line, structure.

Learning plan. Today we are going to be exploring charcoal we are going to Create some fun starter sketches using some pictures references you may have on hand. If you have none just take some quick pictures of yourself. Using charcoal we are going to copy those images and create loose sketches. These sketches don’t need to be exact copies of the images.

Accommodations/Modifications: Allow for longer extended times on value studies and self portrait studies along with allow for students to trace pictures of th

Assessment:` looks over line markings and use of materials and time. Examine the sketches.

Teacher Art Sample: 

References:  https://youtu.be/NC7_MzDveLY?si=8PpY3w98R0GCyKwg
